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Monday, December 26, 2011

Will the perfect trash can ever be found?

Have you ever wondered if there could be a perfect trash can?  I’ve been thinking on this a lot lately.  No…I’m not obsessed with trash cans.  But once again I find myself trying to come up with something that won’t be penetrated by my very clever 4 year old. 

At first I had to buy a new trash can because Luke had learned to lift the lid of our old one.  So we replaced the old one with a new trash can that has a button on the top that then releases the lid.  Well this worked for about a year, then Luke figured out how to push the button on top so that the lid would release.  So then I tried turning the trash can around so he couldn’t reach the button.  That has worked until this last week when Luke decided that turning around the trash can wouldn’t stop him!

Luke has learned to simply turn the trash can around and then press the button in order to open the lid.  Then he quickly throws a toy or his juice into the can and then shuts the lid quickly.  Amazingly he doesn’t this very quick, so quick that it took me a couple time to figure out that I didn’t leave the lid open myself. 

Silly guy!  So now I am trying to think of some way around this new predicament.  My husband says to simply put duct tape over the lid and side….maybe we’ll try that.  A quick fix…for now.

Monday, December 19, 2011

What's that?

So we all know Luke has an interesting sense of humor.  Well the other day my husband was playing with some of his new “toys”.  I got him some mini flashlights that were on sale at the Bass Pro Shop the day about Thanksgiving.  My husband was bundling up to go outside and had one of these flashlights in the palm of his hand.   I had my back turned to the kitchen and was microwaving some things, when I heard Luke laugh.  I turned and saw Luke sitting on the kitchen floor, looking towards the door to the garage and he was quiet.  Then he laughed again when a beam of light hit his face.  I then looked to the door and saw my husband standing there pointing the flashlight at Luke.  He continued to tease Luke by turning the light on and off.  Which Luke found to be hilarious.  Silly guys!  I tried getting some of this on video, of course Luke doesn’t always “perform on command”.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Oh My!

Speaking as the youngest of four, I know that siblings can be really fun or really obnoxious.  I love them all, but being the youngest I often was picked on, hung upside down and chased around so much that it became quite normal for me to be picked on.  I’m trying to keep this in mind now as I am encountering sibling relationships at a different angle.  I watch Luke and our baby girl get along great when they are hiding things around the house.  I also see them scream/cry at each other when the other takes something or does something the other doesn’t like.

A great example of this happened just today.  I was getting lunch ready when our baby girl came in the kitchen, I told her to get in her chair.  (She is about to crawl up and put herself in her booster seat, which is so great).  I went back to putting the finishing touches on lunch when I hear our girl scream/cry and I look and she is trying to push Luke away.  So I went over and told Luke to leave her alone, and even moved him to the opposite side of the kitchen.  I went back to getting lunch ready and I hear another scream/cry, and I look…and there she is trying to push Luke away again!  I think Luke was being a big brother and either trying to bully away her chair or try to help her up….which she didn’t want.  Finally, I just grabbed our baby girl and put her in her chair…then Luke started his scream/cry…so I put him in his chair too.  It was finally quiet and I was able to finish cutting up the chicken for lunch. 

But one of the funniest things I’ve seen happen between the two kids happened about a week ago.  I had given our baby girl a small bowl with Club mini crackers earlier in the day.  Usually she does fine and keeps the crackers to herself or sometimes she’ll even hand one at a time to Luke in order to share them.  Which is really sweet to watch by the way…except when Luke decides to throw the cracker after it has been given to him.

Anyway, on this particular day, I come in the living room and check on the kids and what do I find?  They are laughing, like they like to do…only when I focused in on what was happening, I had to laugh too.  Our baby girl was giving her brother crackers, only instead of handing them over she was putting them down the back of his shirt!  I was so funny.  I had to put a stop to it though.  When I changed Luke’s diaper later before his nap, guess what I found?  Yep…a mini cracker!  Silly kids!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Sweet Music

So our little guy just turned 4 years old.  I can hardly believe it!  One of his gifts was an electric drum.  Luke decided to rock out right away.  He pushed the pre-music rock button and started hitting the drums.  Our little girl decided to jump right in and play with him.  Thankfully there are two drum sticks so I could give both kids one so we didn’t fight over them. 

Luke’s always loved music…who knows maybe he’ll be in a rock band one day!