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Monday, October 25, 2010

The Umbrella

We’ve been on the road a lot lately and we had to take our SUV down to my parent’s house, which is about a 2 hour drive. Anyway, on the way down Luke kept kicking the seat in front of him. Making a “swish, swish” noise, which turned out to be papers in the pocket in the back of the seat. So, I took off his shoes so he couldn’t quite reach anymore. Then the “noise” stopped.

I thought that was all he did, until we were on our way home the next day. Then not only did I hear “swish, swish”, but I heard a click and a “woosh, woosh” sound. I kept looking back trying to figure out where the noise was coming from. Well, I finally figured out there was an umbrella also sticking out of the pocket on the back of the seat. So Luke not only was hitting the papers with his feet, but had also somehow managed to pop open an umbrella that was sticking up out of the pocket as well.

When I saw that I laughed and pushed the end of the umbrella back down till it clicked in place. I didn’t remove it because I thought it was just a fluke that Luke opened it at all. Well, I was wrong. A few minutes later I heard a “click” and then heard the “woosh, woosh” sound again, and I knew without looking he had opened the umbrella again.

After that I took his shoes off again, this time for the drive home. I forgot about the umbrella until the next day. I had to take the kids into the doctor and on the way I heard a “click” and then “woosh, woosh”. At first I thought, “what in the world?” Then I just laughed and realized I forgot about the umbrella…I meant to take it out of the pocket completely…but I was driving so I just lived with the noise. What was a girl to do?

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