When we first started walking Luke with a walker, about a year ago, an adult would have to pick him up and place him in front of it. Over time he got better at putting his feet down and grabbing hold of the handles. After he learned to walk straight, he learned to turn using straight wheels (no easy task) and then he went on to the “swivel wheels”. Well the last couple weeks Luke has been able to pull himself up to his walker, as long as a person is holding it still. He then has been able to turn himself around all by himself. This is such a great development, it opens a whole new world for Luke.
What I mean by that, is that now I am able to give him more freedom in the house. This also allows me freedom in that I don’t need to constantly touch his walker or even need to be within a few feet all the time. Along with this new freedom Luke has been proceeding to put dents in our appliances and scrapes along our walls and door frames.
Yesterday Luke stood up in the kitchen and got situated in his walker and started to take off. Well he decided to investigate a few new things..like the stove top…which I had to run to and clear off. Then he turned into the corner by the sink and tried to reach the dishes. Of course when he was done, he started screaming because he got himself in the corner and couldn’t figure out how to go backwards and get out. Then when I helped him out of the corner he turned and went through the kitchen and down the hallway, of course every time he hit the wall he cried out..like he was saying “out of my way, coming through!” He did maneuver his way down the hall and through his sister’s door, which is shaped like and “L”. Then he got over to the changing table and got himself stuck again…so once again he needed “super mommy” to rescue him. Silly man!! He wants that “freedom” so badly, but he still needs a little help. He’s so determined!
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