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Monday, October 4, 2010

Mirror Mirror

When Luke was a baby he never really seemed interested in mirrors, he would just look into it and not seem to really understand what he was seeing. Over the last two years Luke has learned his own way of looking into a mirror. Instead of just looking at his reflection, he has decided that if he is within close enough “range” he’ll try biting his image. After a few months of this he decided to “bite” the image and then he would make kissing noises “MMaaa”. So that shed some light on what he was doing. I think he was always trying to kiss the image and not “bite” it…although sometimes, even now, I just can’t tell.

Well the other day during Speech Therapy, Luke and his therapist were reading a book together. It was a board book with the letters of the alphabet, so A was for apple and so on. Well when they got to “Y”, it was “Y is for You” and it had a reflection in the shape of a star on the page. So what does Luke do? Yep...he leans over and gives it a big old “smacker”!! So funny.

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