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Monday, August 2, 2010


Sometimes I can't avoid shopping with both Luke and our baby girl. I know other moms have those times. The ones that say, I really need this or I don't trust my husband to get the right thing. So off we take both kids...just asking for trouble.

As long as Luke isn't hungry or tired, we usually do just fine. If Luke is upset, as long as I keep moving Luke stays happy. Something about the movement or seeing all the new things as we go seems to calm him down. 

The other day Luke, baby girl and I were at Wal-Mart. I needed a couple things before we left on vacation. Of course Luke was upset, to be confined to a cart once again and be subject to wherever his momma wants to go.

We were going along and all of a sudden I heard "splish, splash, I was taking a bath.....a Saturday night!....rub a dub..." So of course, this momma who loves oldies started singing a long and Luke started smiling. Then I heard a "cool" version of   "wheels on the bus" I turned our cart around in search of the "music".

I finally found the source at one of those sample boxes. It was the only time during this shopping trip that Luke was happy to stop moving. The music kept coming and he was more than happy to stop and listen. Although I don't think he ever figured out where the music was coming from. He just stared toward the box like he was saying, "how are you doing that?"
Since Luke and I loved the music so much I did a spontaneous buy, which I don't do very often any more. Of course I settled for the less "cool" version of wheels on the bus, since the "splish splash" CD was out. Isn't that always the case?  Anyway, I think Luke is a musician in the making. Just don't tell his daddy that.

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