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Friday, August 27, 2010

Feed me already!

This week Luke has been battling diarrhea. Sunday was when it was really bad, and my husband stayed home with Luke while I took our baby girl to church. After church I had to go get some groceries, and while I was there my husband called with Luke’s latest antic.

You see, Luke tended to have diarrhea a half-hour or so after he ate….so my husband stopped feeding him after he gave him a snack that morning, and just gave him liquids…so no lunch. Well, my husband was also putting away laundry for me at the time, and in it was a “Mickey mouse bib”. It is more like a towel with a hole in the top, and I use it a lot when we travel.

Anyway, I guess Luke got tired of waiting around for his lunch and decided to give my husband the best hint he could that he was hungry. Yep….he put the bib on. I didn’t see it but knowing my son, I’m sure he put the bib on and put on that cheesy grin of his and said “aahhh…aaahhh”. Like he was saying, “you gonna feed me already!”

Luke may not be able to say everything he wants, but he’s learning how to make you understand.

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