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Friday, July 23, 2010

Look at Me

In the last few weeks Luke has had a new fascination with putting things around his neck. It reminds me of those pictures you see of guys in the locker room that have a towel hanging around their neck. Although Luke would walk around with a towel around his neck and a hand on each end of it, so that the towel would be pulled tight.

Instead of bath towels Luke does it with whatever he can find. I first saw him do this with a dish towel…which was funny but it wasn’t too far off of what “normal” guys might do. Then a week or so ago we were at therapy and we had to take off his shoes, braces, and socks. So what does he do? He grabs a sock and instead of throwing it or chewing on it (like he usually does), he grabs both ends of the sock and then drapes it behind his neck while pulling on the ends. Then he just looked at me and smiled! So funny!!

He doesn’t stop at…that would be too boring. He has to switch it up…so a few days ago I caught him doing the same thing with one of his diapers. Here he was looking at me saying “aaahhh…ahhhh” and holding on to either end of the diaper with it draped around his neck. I asked what he was doing and he just smiled and laughed.

Where do they pick up these things? My husband never does this…and I sure don’t. I wonder if one of his “buddies” at church is showing him these new tricks. I’d better start watching out who I let me “hang” with.

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