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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Kid's Dinner Theater

I’ve always had a hard time doing things without background noise. When I was young I always didn my homework while having the TV on, most of the time I didn’t watch it but it was a constant noise. Then when I was in college I always fell asleep to the TV. Now many times when I am feeding Luke and our baby girl, I feel like I need some kind of background noise as well. Sometimes I find myself having conversations with both of them. After a while I feel like I am going insane, so I put on the radio. Sometimes I tap my foot or hand to the music to help pass the time while feeding my two munchkins.

The other day I took it up a notch. Instead of just tapping along or humming a tune, I put in Go Fish and I sang along with “I’ve got the Joy” and “Snazzy”. I not only sang but helped Luke and our baby girl dance with their hands to the music. Luke found this highly entertaining and laughed every time I made him move to the music or I put my hands up in the air to sing along. I felt like I was on stage.

So when I get tired of the “same old..same old”, I just break out in song and dance. The result being that the kids have a mini-dinner theater. Then I drag my kids into it having them help me dance. It brings smiles to their faces and lifts my spirit.

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