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Monday, May 31, 2010


Do you ever wonder where your kid picks things up? I have seen other kids repeat words just like their parents would say. For example, a kid telling another kid “no, don’t do it that way” and all they are trying to do is put some Lagos together or something. Kids pick up so much of what we do and say.

I have yet to experience Luke repeating anything I say. As much as it might annoy me in time, I look forward to that day!! I think it will be wonderful!! I know it is coming, just in its own time.

Even though he may not repeat words, he is starting to repeat actions. The other day I was feeding him lunch and he started knocking on the table. Knocking!! Where did he get that from?? I was perplexed, but at the same time I thought it was great!! The fact he was doing something like that is another step taken in the direction of his development.

So throughout the day we knocked…on everything; the kitchen table, walls, refrigerator, doors, and when I went to the bathroom we knocked back and forth through the door. It was great!! One of the best days I have had in a long time. I found out a few days later from Luke’s grandma, that he picked up the knocking from his grandpa who would “knock” with him at the dinner table.

Those grandparents!! What are they thinking, trying to trick us moms into thinking our kids come up with these things on their own!!

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