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Friday, May 7, 2010

The Diaper Wrestle

I’m sure once again I am not the only one to go through this. To understand this better, I need to explain that Luke is allergic to milk therefore leaving us to using Soymilk. Soymilk has a very different effect on the body’s “cleansing” system than whole milk. When stool should be hard, it is very soft. So it is often hard to tell if it is diarrhea or just regular stool for him.

The “wrestle” begins every time Luke has a diaper change. Once I put him on the floor he starts rolling over or grabbing the wet diaper. This isn’t too bad until the dirty ones come. Twice in the last week he has managed to get his hands in it. So here I am trying to keep the mess contained, since it is so soft, using my elbows and knees along with my hands to keep Luke’s hands and feet still. We could probably be in the circus they way things go most days. Despite my best efforts this week his sneaky little hands have gotten loose to grab the diaper so he can throw it. Only instead of throwing he has manage to get his hands in his stool. YUCK!!!!

Then the wrestle isn’t over, after all the clean diaper is not yet on. So now I am trying to keep his hands away again AND make sure he doesn’t stick them in his mouth as well!! Boy, sometimes I wish I had an extra set of hands! When I do get on the clean diaper, we then walk to the bathroom to wash our hands really well. Since I can’t hold his hands to help him walk, I am holding on to his wrists. And since I don’t trust him I can’t let go of the wrists until the water is flowing and we are digging into the dial soap. That means I am trying to pull/kick the step stool over to the sink while controlling the little hands, and when it is finally there I lift Luke by the wrists (since he is just now getting the idea of stepping up on something). The whole thing is exhausting.

Although most moms when they got to this point probably said…”ok, that’s it…time to potty train”, that isn’t an option for me. With Luke’s lack of walking skills, it makes it challenging to say the least. I might be tempted to try it if he could at least communicate his needs to me. Only right now all I get is “aahh” or “aahh dah” and the only sign language he manages is “go” as in “ready, set, go”. I’m not sure how that would work with potty training. Oh the dream of a potty trained little boy!!

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