Little Conductor
If you've been reading this
blog for a while, you know that Luke LOVES music. It was the only thing to calm him when he was
little and the songs that ALWAYS worked were written by Randy Travis. Everyone laughs at that…but it is so
true. We've had vacations where we
forgot the Randy Travis CD and had to go to the nearest Wal-mart and hunt the
music section for Randy Travis.
This past Friday there was a
concert at Illinois State University for kids with Special Needs. It was wonderful. It was well thought out, from assigning each
child a “concert buddy” to providing special shakers that attach to the
Before the concert started
they had various students with their instruments for the kids to come to and
“explore”. Luke really liked the trumpet
and helped make a note or two. He wasn't really sure about the guitar, but sister sure liked it. She got to strum it with a pick.
Then the concert started, at
first Luke just sat and stared at the band and lifted his eyebrows at each high
note or when the band got especially loud.
When we tried the shaker with him that attaches to the fingers, he found
a way to take it off and throw it….of course.
It was wonderful though seeing the music through his eyes that night.By the last few songs Luke
was refusing to sit and standing while holding on to the chair in front he
would point and move a hand towards the band.
Then I grabbed his hips and he started swinging around both hands, like
he was conducting the band. If you'd like to see him "conduct" check out the video below the pics.

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