We’ve been working with Luke on walking with his walker, at home since last January. As our baby girl started getting mobile she kept wanting to play with Luke’s walker. Then when he was walking, she would crawl in the way!
Now, she has taken the whole walker thing to a new level. For a couple weeks, I tried getting our baby girl to walk using our “toy walkers” and she wanted no part of it. But, she would go over to her brother’s walker and pull up to it. It was like she was telling me that if she was going to walk, she was going to walk just like brother.
Well the last week or so, we’ve finally be able to get her to walk with the toy walkers we have. So now, when we work on Luke’s walking in the house we don’t just have one of our children walking down the hallway. Now we have two.
Luke starts walking with his walker down the hall, and not far behind you’ll see his little sister walking with her own “walker”. Of course Luke is too nosey, so he tries to walk forward while looking behind himself. So, to solve that problem I put our baby girl in front of him. Only, the first time I did this Luke decided he wasn’t to be “out done” by his little sister. So he walked fast, and of course our baby girl was just getting the hang of the “walker” so she was going slow. You can probably see where I’m going.
Before I knew it Luke was running over his little sister. Of course, Luke being the impatient one, got upset when his sister was blocking his path! I think he was mad because, not only does he have to share his toys, but now he has walking space too!!
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