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Thursday, June 3, 2010


As a mom, I have had to learn to multi-task. I’m sure I’m not the only one. When I was a teacher I would easily multi-task, but parenting has brought it to a new level. I’ve mentioned before trying to feed both Luke and the baby at the same time and how I usually do ok till I try to throw in a “third” thing, like talking on the phone. Then I would proceed to feed the food to the wrong child.

Well the other day my multi-tasking took on a new level. My husband wasn’t home, so I had to put both kids to bed and do that whole routine without him. I’ve done this before, but those times went more smoothly because the baby was ready for a bottle early or she would wait till after her brother was in bed. But the other night, Luke was ready for his bath and the baby was very fussy…which meant she was ready for her bottle and bed too.

Since there was only one of me, I thought why not try to do it all at once? So, I got Luke’s bath ready and got the baby’s bottle ready. Then, because I usually read a book while Luke plays for a while in the tub…I grabbed that as well. I put the baby on the floor on a blanket in the bathroom and then got Luke undressed and helped him walk to the bathroom. Once Luke was in the tub and playing, I got the baby off the floor to give her the bottle.

Now, you have to understand our bathroom upstairs is barely big enough to turn around in. Once you walk in there is a sink, directly next to that the toilet, and then the bathtub is only 4 inches from there or so. You can imagine where I am going.

When I give Luke a bath I usually put the lid down on the toilet and sit there reading my book till he is ready to be washed up. So this particular night I was sitting there giving the baby a bottle, reading my book and keeping an eye on Luke as he played in the tub. This was by far the strangest multi-tasking I have done yet. Although I am sure I will find myself in even stranger circumstances down the road.

It all worked out well. Once the baby had her bottle, she was content to watch as I got her brother ready for bed. Then we got her bath and got her ready for bed. Then, wonder of wonders mommy got some “alone” time before she went to bed as well. We all survived another new “multi-tasking experience”.

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