Having a three year old girl
I know the meaning of “drama queen”. She
often takes things way out of proportion.
For example, right now she is throwing a HUGE fit…I’m not sure “fit” is
the appropriate term. It is more like a
sporadic crying. She is crying loud and
laying on the floor…then she’s quiet…then she’s at it again! I keep asking her what’s wrong. Does anything hurt? Are you making a dirty diaper (sometimes that’s
the issue)? Then more specific…does your
hand hurt? Your nose? Your feet?
Still all I get is a dramatic cry!
I say that…and now she’s
quiet again…..take that back…now she’s crying!
Anyway..the point I’m trying
to make is that I’m used to a little drama from my little girl. Although I’m not used to it from my little
man. Luke is usually upset when there’s
a reason, like he fell down…or he wants more juice or food. It’s pretty basic. With our little girl…who knows!
Back to Luke…he decided to
show his “drama king” status on our trip out to Baltimore to Johns Hopkins to
see a new doctor. It was a 14 hour trip,
so we split it up into two days. Even
then we are usually “hard pressed” to get to our destination in a 7 hour trip
and still have “decent” kids. If you’ve
been reading this blog a while, you know that Luke is not the best
traveler. He won’t sleep in the car and
because he can’t feed himself…it makes it a challenge to try and feed him on
the road.
All that said, Luke did
really good on this trip…until the very last day. He made it the two days out East, the day in
Baltimore and the first day back. But by
the second and last day of travel home Luke had reached is “quota” of “nice guy”. He was ready to be home! (Much like his daddy)
We actually did ok, a little
grumpy, but not too bad…until we were about 2 hours out. He started a dramatic melt down…by an hour
out it was a true “drama”. My husband
and I couldn’t help but laugh even though his cries were almost constant.
There was a cooler between
the kids car seats, and throughout the trip the kids would push the handle back
and forth and play with it. When Luke
started his “drama” he was playing with this cooler handle all on his own.
Luke would reach over, grab
the handle, and push the handle as far away as possible. Then he would pull the handle back toward him…followed
soon by him inserting his arm through the handle and pull back. The result was Luke’s wrist stuck between he
cooler and the underside part of the handle.
He would cry out at this point…and continue to cry until I “rescued” him
from the “evil” cooler. Once he was
freed he stopped crying…then proceeded to do it all over again. It was a constant “drama” the rest of the way
I caught a great video on
the iPad…only it is upside down and I can’t figure out how to change that! So I’m going to share a great pic I also took
of this “drama”. The picture tells it