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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Follow the leader?

I’m not sure what most siblings do when they play together.  I know some chase each other around and that most siblings fight over toys.  Well Luke and our daughter definitely fight over toys and sometimes they chase each other.  Although the “chasing” is more like our daughter running in circles with Luke crawling in one direction…like he is trying to catch up….then when he is “lapped” he decides to just sit still and laugh at his sister when she continues running in circles. 

The other day I saw a unique “game” they were playing.  I’m not even sure it was a “game”….but was funny to watch.  I was in the kitchen and our daughter was saying “come on brober” and they were both laughing.  So I look and what do I see?  Our daughter has a hold of Luke’s shirt and Luke is crawling beside her.  Our daughter was pull/dragging Luke around…reminded me of someone walking a great big dog or something. 

I’m not sure if she was trying to play some kind of “follow the leader” or what.  The kids have sure been creative in their playing lately.  (7-27-12)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Even more miracles

God continues to amaze me through Luke.  As I’ve mentioned in the past, every “small” milestone for “average” kids….is a HUGE milestone for a child like Luke.  Each time he meets one of those milestone markers I am reminded how blessed we are to have a special child like Luke, who continues to get stronger and meet those milestones.  It may take him longer…but he is meeting them!

Some may think this the things I’m about to mention are not miracles…but anyone who has gone through the process of a special needs child or even someone who has had something happen like a stroke and had to re-learn all these “skills”…those of you out there…you know how BIG a miracle this is…especially when you work at it for so long and finally one just “clicks”.

Two weeks ago, I got the kids downstairs and started our morning routine…getting medicines together first.  Well when I was ready to feed the kids breakfast I called for the kids and our two year old daughter says “oh no…mommy…brober..upstairs!!” 

I thought…surely not.  I was proved wrong!  I went to the staircase and sure enough…there was Luke waving at me from the top of the stairs!  When did he start doing that on his own?!  He has been able to crawl up stairs for a couple years…but usually only when coaxed and NEVER alone!!

I thought that was a miracle…then today happened and I was reminded again how God is working in our little guy.  I picked him up from school and his aide apologized for his messy shirt…which had some Blueberry Yogart on it.  Then she told me that he ate the yogart ALL on his OWN!!  I was so happy to hear this.  We’ve been trying to get him to this point for SOOO long!  Luke typically throws his spoon or fork…or plate with food…he has NEVER held onto a utensil long enough to eat an entire food item…like yogart or applesauce. 

To test out this new “skill”, I got out some pear applesauce for supper and gave Luke a spoon.  I had to hold the applesauce cup…but everything else was all Luke!  It brought tears to my eyes!!  Luke has made another step towards independence.  It may have taken him 4 ½ years instead of 1 ½ like our daughter….but he has done it!  I pray this skill will continue to develop and in the near future Luke will be able to feed himself an entire meal!!