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Tuesday, August 21, 2012


You think you know your kids, but they are always changing.  With Luke, its hard to even know about those changes since he can’t tell me…”mom, I don’t like green beans”…instead we get them thrown at us..or on the floor (even better).  This idea carries over into every aspect of Luke.  I’m learning his “preferences” because of his responses, i.e. when getting home from school he screams at me and hits his shoes…until they are finally off (including socks) and then he is “off” down the hall and perfectly happy.

Well, Luke started to do something at the old house a couple weeks before we moved.  I’m not sure if he was trying to tell me something or if he was just being a silly little guy…like usual.  In Luke’s old room there wasn’t a lot of space, which meant that the options for where to place his bed were only 1.  So his bed was against the far wall , the bad part was that he could reach the window curtains.  So he would often look outside and see what was going on or stay up and play with them.

A few weeks before selling the house, I found a new site for several mornings in a row.  I would walk in to Luke’s room to get him up in the morning and I would find the window curtains pulled all the way back and Luke would be in his bed with a blanket over his head.  It was so funny! 

I’m guessing that Luke would play with the curtains for a while at night causing them to be pulled back…but when morning came and the sun decided to peek in…Luke would cover his head so he could keep sleeping.  Silly guy wanted to see outside at night…but not in the morning I guess!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Luke’s sense of humor continues to amaze me, especially since it has been rubbing off on his little sister.  Yesterday we were on our way to grandma and grandpa’s house, which is in the country.  As I was driving a long our daughter would tell me everything she saw, but Luke was quiet.  Then I hit some hills, and it started a cycle with the kids.

Every time I went over a hill, our baby girl said “wweeee!!”  Which then led Luke to laugh and then of course our daughter had to laugh too.  It was a cycle that seemed never ending (they did this at least 10 times).  Soon I found myself laughing with them.  Who can resist such easy fun?

Later on the way home from the grandparents house, by which we went a different way, they began to laugh and our daughter would say “wweeee” when I turned corners, i.e. getting on the interstate.  I’m not sure I understand that one, but as long as they were happy…I was happy.

Friday, August 3, 2012

The latest NASCAR Track!

If anyone wants to buy tickets, I can get you great seats at a new NASCAR track.  It’s a unique location….our new house!!  What I love about the new house is all the space we have so that Luke and our baby girl can have plenty of space to walk and play.  We are finally getting rid of most of our boxes which allows Luke to use his walker in the house!!

We let him have his walker in the old house…but only for a short period of time since he needed someone to follow after him and help him when he got cornered or aggravated because he ran out of space.  Now, at the new house Luke can walk in most places on the first floor…which is so great! 

What has really made me laugh lately though is our daughter.  I think she likes the space even more than Luke!  One day I heard pounding feet and looked to find our daughter running in a large circle around the staircase and wall to the living room.  She also likes to play “peek-a-boo” with Luke.  So she runs  in circles and passes Luke saying “found you brother…found you”…..all while Luke laughs at his silly sister who is running by.

She does it so often now that I’ve decided it must be the latest NASCAR track!  So if anyone wants to cheer themselves up they can come on over and watch our daughter race in circles.  (video 7-27-12)