Potty training and Luke…hhmmmm…where to start. So we started trying to potty train Luke about a year ago, but in order to potty train Luke had to be able to reach the toilet. After all he is WAY too big for a “potty chair”. So I thought, surely I could find a stool that went with the toilet that would be good for Luke.
All the ones I saw were just regular stools or were built more like ladders. There was no way that Luke could ever do any of those without lots of help. So then I looked into “special needs” potty seats, and found that all of those offered Luke way TOO much support. Luke has “needs” but not like many kids who may be wheelchair bound.
So…what was I to do? Well I put it off for a while, then one day I was searching on Amazon and low and behold I found something wonderful! The Potty Stool. It has handles so Luke can hold on and step up, and the base is big enough there is actually room to safely turn around. So I just bought a potty seat to go with it..and we were all set!!
Only problem is, Luke wasn’t ready. I’ve been told over and over that “when their ready..their ready”. So after trying a month, we stopped. Then we waited about 6 months and tried again for a month. Then stopped. I plan to try again soon, so we’ll see.
I understand waiting till their “ready”….but when your son is 4 years old and not trained…you begin to wonder. If you’re interested in the “stool” below is the link to the product on Amazon.