A few months ago I went with some girl friends to Amish country. While there I saw a magnet that said “I’ve had it! I’m calling 1.800.GRANDMA”. It was one of those things I had to buy, I thought it was so funny and yet so true! I’m not sure what it is about grandparents but them to make Luke and our baby girl do things that we can’t.
Just one example of this happened this past weekend. We piled the kids along with the grandparents into the car and drove to St. Louis. The plan was for my husband, grandpa and I to go to the Carndinals game while grandma baby sat and then go to the zoo on the following day. It was a good weekend overall, although very HOT.
The room we got at our hotel for the night was a suite with two separate rooms. We try to do this whenever possible since neither of our children will go to sleep if they can see us and know they are missing something….especially Luke. When we got to the hotel it was nap time, so we set up the pack-n-plays and laid down the kids for their naps. Our baby girl cried for 5 minutes and went to sleep….but Luke was another story.
We had to put Luke’s “crib” in a corner of the kitchen area. There was a narrow spot where the “crib” would be “sealed in” on three sides. On the back side was the wall, one side was right next to the refrigerator and the other had cabinets. The crib also fit in such a way that the end stuck out a little by a kitchen table.
It didn’t take more than a few minutes for Luke to figure out he could peek around the wall by the refrigerator to see into the big room. My husband and I were sitting on the couch, but once we saw he was just peeking out at us we went to the other end of the room where Luke could not see. My husband took the chair in the corner while I sat on the floor.
Then about 10 minutes passed and I thought Luke might have gone to sleep…instead I hear BANG…BANG!! Sure enough Luke figured out that there was a cabinet DOOR and he could open and sut it with a BANG! He loved that! Only….he wasn’t going to sleep. After he played a while Luke was quiet and I thought he might have gone to sleep…but when I checked around the wall I saw Luke’s head above his “crib” and quickly saw that he was leaning out as far as possible to try and look around the wall.
The silly little man never did take a nap….his daddy got fed up with Luke playing with the cabinet door and got him out of his “crib” after he had been in there for about an hour. So much for a nap!
Then that night when the three of us went to the game and we left the kids with grandma….I was worried he would play around and not go to sleep for her either. I should have known better, the kids are always better for the grandparents.
We came back from the game and found out that Luke not only went to sleep….but when he fell asleep he was sitting up with his back up on the side of the “crib”. I couldn’t believe it! The kid that never falls asleep in the car no matter how long the trip or in any sitting up position, actually fell asleep sitting up!!