Today I must start by apologizing to my regular readers. I didn’t get a chance to post anything on Wednesday. Today the story I will share is what happened Tuesday and Wednesday…some parts were good and others bad. I think as moms we all have those days of mixed blessings or days with a blessing and then it turns into something you wish never happened. Since many of you who read this also get my update e-mails you are already familiar with most of this story.
Tuesday was Luke’s big strabismus surgery. We went in not knowing exactly how many muscles they would work on in Luke’s eyes. We weren’t even sure if they would only work on his left or right eye or both eyes even. The day started early at 6am, and we got Luke up right before we needed to leave around 6:30am. I gave him his morning meds and had to keep reminding myself not to give him anything to eat or drink. We finally got to the hospital and waited and waited. Finally everything started rolling and he went in for surgery around 8:30am. It was close to 10am before we met with the doctor after the surgery, where she told us she only adjusted two muscles and both were in his left eye. For this reason he also had a patch over his left eye (which struck fear in me because I knew Luke would not leave it alone),then the doctor said if he wouldn’t leave it on that was ok (I then took a deep relaxing breath).
Then my husband and I went out and waited some more. It was 10:30am before they let us back to see Luke. He was very upset and even my holding him didn’t seem to calm him down much. Of course he also kept trying to take off his eye patch…which he accomplished 3 different times before leaving the hospital.
Luke continued crying, and when he was quiet…he was asleep on my lap!! Anyone who knows Luke, knows that this is unheard of!! He NEVER falls asleep on my lap. He needs to be alone in a dark room to sleep….if there is anyone around him, he is constantly awake…afraid he will miss something.
They released us around 11:30am, since Luke was able to take a couple sips of juice and keep it down. Once we got in the car he ripped off his eye patch again! At this point I decided to just leave it off. Then not even one mile down the road, Luke fell asleep again in the car seat!! Once again I was amazed. At this point I was grateful for anesthesia. There was still enough in his system that it was “knocking” him out. At this point I saw this as a “good” thing.
I was worried about trying to keep Luke from rubbing his left eye, but when he kept sleeping I figured it would be easy enough. I would just sit with him in the recliner when we got home and he could sleep in my arms and I would make sure he didn’t bother his eye.
Well…it was a good plan until about 3:30pm. At this time I was starting to give Luke more food, crackers and some applesauce…since he was doing well with the juice and just crackers. Well, he wasn’t doing as well as we thought because he started to vomit. When Luke gets sick like this he will continue to vomit for hours and hours.
I had some nausea medicine at home from last time he was sick. So after calling his doc to “ok” it, I gave this med to him. After only 10 minutes he was sick again. That is not normal for this medicine to not work! So we called his doc back, and they told us to go to the ER. Luke continued getting sick, every 40 minutes or so.
Of course the ER tried giving him the same meds I did at home, and of course it didn’t work. So they finally decided to admit him, because he was getting so sick they were worried about dehydration. Since he was getting so sick, it took three nurses to finally get an IV in him. Then after he continued to get sick they gave him nausea meds through the IV, which finally worked!! By that time it was about 11pm. It had been a long day…but it wasn’t over yet. We still had the whole night ahead in the hospital so Luke could get his IV fluids.
I “slept” with Luke and my husband got the pull out couch. It was a long night of nurse calls and checking for wet diapers. Needless to say we were all exhausted the next day. In spite of the long night, Luke being his normal “charming” self did make me laugh a couple times.
After about 40 minutes from when the nurse gave him the nausea medicine his IV monitor started beeping. Being the silly man he is, every time it “beeped” he raised his arm in the air and said “aaahhh!” It beeped for a good 10 minutes before the nurse came in…and he kept raising his hand after each beep!! At this point I knew he was feeling better already.
Then when the sun was up and Luke was awake he grabbed his monkey and started throwing him around the bed and laughing. It was then I knew he was really feeling better.
It was such a long two days but in the middle of it our little man didn’t lose his sense of humor. He may have misplaced it for a while, but it was back in full force by morning.